Google Compute Engine

Out of its Products such as Youtube, Google Search, Drive and more, Google now offers the Cloud to the users/ industries whoever need for it. They also make the invoice to their users based on the usage summary. For Startups/Small scale industries where the usage may be higher at sometimes and lower in the meantime. So the user cannot pay for the services as a whole instead only for the usage.

So What does Google Cloud Engine Offer?

Web Application:

Any application that we create must be able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions(resilient) and scalable. Without making any misclass of data or resource our application must be capable of scale seamlessly according to the increase of increase in demand and should be resilient to withstand the loss of one or more compute resources.

Opensource Project Management Tools,

(i) Redmine

(ii) Ruby on Rails.,

Today I came to know that Google is offering a better solution to optimize our web application. Google  Compute Engine which can make scalable and resilient applications easily. There are several classes in Google Compute Engine,

(i) Zone – It is merely equivalent to a data center and is a single point of failure.

(ii) Region – Geographical areas which contain multiple zones.

(iii) Global – Global resources are available and shared across the planet.


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